Where History Comes Alive

Antique Tractor Pull and Model & Hobby Show

New for 2025, our Antique Tractor Pull will be held in conjunction with the Model & Hobby Show. One admission price covers both events on the same day.

The Antique Tractor Pull competition will be on Saturday, with Sunday being a fun pull. The cost to register and pull is $20. All spectators, friends, helpers, crew, etc. pay regular gate admission.

The Model & Hobby Show exhibits may include:

  • Model trains brought by the Calgary free-modelers
  • Truck and tractor toys
  • Model steam engines from both the museum and private collections
  • Model rockets from the Calgary rocketry club

If you have models you'd like to show off, members can rent table space for $10 and non-members for $15. (Model club members please speak to your club about admissions.)

More information and registration forms will be available in the spring. Please check back later.

All of the regular museum exhibits will be open all weekend. A concession will be available on both days.


9:00 am to 4:00 pm
