Where History Comes Alive

Depression Truck

Depression Truck

The Great Depression of the 1930's was a pivotal time in Canadian and US history. The downturn of the financial markets in 1929, coupled with an extended drought in the southern US (exacerbated by poor farming practices) caused large-scale migrations of unemployed agricultural workers to California, where there was only a glimmer of hope in finding work.

Folks migrated west using every form of transportation available. Many rode on trains, on top of boxcars, with nothing more than the shirts on their backs. Those who were fortunate enough to have a vehicle, loaded it up with whatever possessions they had and headed to California. Our Depression Truck depicts that journey.

Production of the Ford Model AA began in the late 1920's. Our truck was assembled in 1928, making it one of the early production models. Even so, it came with a 40 horsepower engine, a 4-speed transmission, and electric start. The wood spoke wheels were only used until 1928, by 1929 Ford had switched to metal wheels.

Depression Truck

This truck has been all over southern Alberta promoting Pioneer Acres in local parades and community events. We still take it out as often as we can.

Don’t miss out on getting a photo with this one-of-a-kind symbol of our ingenuity and resiliency during hard times.